
How to add a video teaser image


To add an alternate image as the teaser image (first frame of the video), follow the steps below.

  1. Prepare PNG for the thumbnail image that is 800 px wide and 450 pxs high and name the file: "cq5dam.thumbnail.704.405.png".

  2. Navigate to the video file in the DAM (where all assets are stored) and double click the video to open a window with the asset info and details. Note that videos are saved in the "/resources/videos-podcasts" folder. For some it may be easier to use the "Search" to navigate to the file by pasting in the file name.

  3. Select the “cq5dam.thumbnail.704x405.png” rendition in the Renditions tab. 

  4. Click the "Upload" button at the bottom of the panel. Browse to the new video teaser image and select to assign. 

  5. Click the "OK" button on the bottom of the dialogue box. 

  6. Click the "Save" button on the button of the pane. 

  7. Publish/Activate the video asset from the DAM to publish the video with the teaser image.