Global navigation
The global navigation pattern includes the primary, secondary (black utility bar), global footer and a breadcrumb menu.
Changes to the global navigation are made by the DMX team only.
The global navigation includes:
- Logo on the top left of the header area, when clicked, links back to home page.
- Primary navigation allows for up to six main categories, listing, secondary levels in a single column drop-down menu.
- In cases where there are no sub-categories, the primary label links directly to a page.
- Ideally the drop-down menu should contain no more than seven items. Subcategories listings can be inserted to break up the listing into smaller subsections using a short title.
- On mobile and tablet, the primary navigation automatically converts to a hamburger menu when viewed on smaller viewports.
- Hamburger menu includes: Items from the primary navigation and the utility navigation (sites and countries).
- Buttons appearing on the right side of the black utility bar remain on the utility bar and are not shifted to the hamburger menu.
- On some CDO sites this pattern may slightly differ.
- Hamburger menu includes: Items from the primary navigation and the utility navigation (sites and countries).
- The Breadcrumb menu reflects the site’s directory structure (how folders and pages are organized in AEM).
- The footer follows similar navigation categories as the primary and secondary navigation.
- Links are organized into four main categories with a heading. Note: The category heading is not a link.
- The links should point to important and popular content.
- Includes disclaimer and other legal content.
- Contains a link to the solution finder and corporate social sites.
Type style: Use sentence case, no punctuation.
Recommended word counts:
- Primary navigation: One to two words
- Drop-down menu: No more than seven items (includes categories and subsection titles)
- Subcategories: No more than four items per category
- Subsections titles: No more than two per menu
Example 1 — A chevron to the right of a label indicates that items appear in a dropdown menu.