
Podcasts requirements


A podcasts must include a transcript (.txt file). This standard applies to podcasts posted to all web properties and YouTube.

*Transcripts can be created by the podcast vendor or outsourced to a transcription/captioning service. 

Transcript details

A transcript is a written account of a video or podcast that includes relevant information such as the speaker’s name, tone (for example, noting if something was shouted or whispered) and other relevant non-speech sounds (computer crashing). Minor edits for readability are appropriate. No need to include ums, ahs, pauses and non-relevant background noise.

File format: .txt or Word file with copy broken up into digestible paragraphs.

Include in the transcript:

  • The speaker’s full name the first time they speak, include only their first name on subsequent uses.
  • All spoken content. If there is speech that is not relevant, it is usually best to indicate that it has been excluded from the transcript in brackets, e.g.: [participants discuss the weather while the presenter reboots his computer]
  • Relevant information about the speech, in brackets, e.g.: Joe: I hate this computer! [shouted]
  • Relevant non-speech audio, in brackets, e.g.: [computer crashing into bits and parts sliding across the floor]
  • Adding a title to the top of a transcript is optional.


AEM steps:

  1. A transcript is added to the page using the AEM Accordion Block V2 component. See the podcast basic and podcast landing page templates.


YouTube steps:

  1. Files are added via the Video Manager.