Asset file naming
Follow these requirements when naming a file or asset:
- Use only lowercase letters.
- Files should be named according to the information they contain.
- Use a hyphen (dash) to separate words.
- Don't use an underscore to separate words.
- Don't use punctuation, such as a comma or extra periods.
- Remove all empty spaces from the file name.
- Avoid all special characters with the exception of the hyphen (dash).
- Asset file name must NOT contain * / : [ \ \ ] | # % { } ? &
- Asset folder name must NOT contain * / : [ \ \ ] | # % { } ? \" . ^ ; + & \t
- Do not include an author's initials or words such as "draft" or "final" in the file name.
Examples of file names:
- Incorrectly uses capital letters and under scores: WF348322_PAYER-HEDIS_Executive_Summary.pdf
- Correctly uses lower case letters and hyphens: symmetry-procedure-episode-groups.pdf
Updated: 4/1/2020