Lorum ipusm
dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore etc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit incididunt ut labore et dolore mangna
A decortive image spans the the width of the page. A small headline and CTA button can be added on the left.
- On mobile devices, the image is cropped to only show the center 1/3 of the image. Images must be selected with this cropping behavior in mind.
- If copy is included make sure it is readable on mobile.
H1 heading (page title): Up to 45 characters (including spaces). Add the "Gamma" class to the H1 tag to increase font size and make bold.
Image size: 1500 x 320 px jpeg. Note: A single image is used for desktop, tablet and mobile. On mobile the left 1/3 and right 1/3 are cropped out. Image must be cropped so that the Heading is readable overtop the image on mobile and desktop.
Content containers copy: Up to 100 characters (including spaces). The copy should be no more than three lines long.
Type: For headings, use sentence case, no punctuation (unless necessary, such as a question mark).
Type alignment: Left aligned